Jan 14

New York Magazine – Celebrity publicist, Lizzy Grubman, hires Stephen Scaring, a battle-hardened trial vet.

PUBLICATION: New York Magazine
DATE: May 9-15, 2003 Issue
ARTICLE: “Reversal of Fortune”
When the police arrived around 2:15 a.m., they at first didn’t even know who the driver was, beyond someone named Liz. They filtered through the club, questioning any and all girls they saw with white shirts and jeans skirts.

Allen Grubman quickly mobilized a boldfaced array of lawyers and advisers. The first call was to Manhattan’s quintessential mop-up man of criminal law, Ed Hayes, who immediately put the Grubmans in touch with Edward Burke, whose father, Edward Sr., had an Allen Grubman-like power in East End matters for decades. Burke, who’s not a litigator, called in the highly regarded, taciturn Stephen Scaring, a battle-hardened trial vet.